Press Releases on Modern Pterodactyls


By Jonathan Whitcomb, investigative journalist

Over the past 16 years or so, many press releases on pterodactyl sightings have appeared online and on occasion have been distributed to American news media companies. The following are but a few of the news releases.

map of USA showing pterodactyl sighting reports by state

Strange Flying Creatures Reported in Utah

In relation to state human populations in the USA (2010 census), Utah is second only to Hawaii in reported sightings of “pterodactyls”

Analyzing two flying lights - possible pterosaurs

Glowing Creatures Videotaped in Papua New Guinea

A physicist, who examined video footage of two strange lights that explorers think are bioluminescent pterosaurs, declares that the glow is not from meteors, lanterns, campfires or an airplane. Paul Nation, of Granbury, Texas, videotaped the lights one night, in November, 2006, in a remote mountainous area of the mainland of Papua New Guinea. Here, the natives call the creature “indava,” but explorers call it by the name used on Umboi Island: “ropen.”

Australian psychologist Brian Hennessy

A Psychologist saw a Living Pterosaur

One morning on Bougainville Island, (now part of the nation of Papua New Guinea), on a dirt road leading down to the coast, Hennessy heard a slow “flapping” and looked up to see a “very big” creature with a “horn” at the back of its head. It had a “longish narrow tail,” and there was “not a feather in sight.”

Modern Pterodactyls and Religion

[Whitcomb says] that modern Western education teaches students what to think far more than how to think, and that dogmatic indoctrination, especially promoting the origin philosophy of Charles Darwin, has dominated scientific communications.

Los Angeles River storm channel

Griffith Park Pterosaurs

Devin Rhodriquez was driving north on Interstate-5, near Griffith Park in Los Angeles, when she was startled to see something strange gliding over the freeway, unlike any bird, more like a “pterosaur.”




Murray, Utah, Resident Seeks Eyewitnesses

. . . not all stories about large featherless flying creatures in the Southwest Pacific are from encounters with common flying fox fruit bats . . .


Pterodactyl Attack – Fisherman Dies

Youtube video about a nocturnal flying creature in Papua New Guinea

Many years ago, a native fisherman in Papua New Guinea was attacked by what his people call a “kor”. Many years before that attack, apparently, the natives stopped fishing at night because of the danger from those flying creatures.


Press Releases on Pterodactyl Sightings

Do you believe in the possibility that long-tailed featherless flying creatures, much larger than any fruit bat, live in the jungles of Papua New Guinea? Your belief depends a great deal on where you lived your childhood: in a village like Gomlongon on Umboi Island or in a western country like the United States.


Declaration on Eyewitness Reports of Apparent Living Pterosaurs

We also invite people to become aware that at least three scientific papers have been published on the subject of modern pterosaurs. In addition, many nonfiction books have been written on these flying creatures, as well as over a thousand web pages and blog posts . . .


Contact Jonathan Whitcomb

You can use this email form to report a pterodactyl sighting


Pterosaur sightings in news releases

A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs,” and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington D.C.) of the United States.


Pterodactyl sightings in Los Angeles

. . . when reports of big featherless flying creatures in California are taken in context with similar reports from many other areas, the shock is not quite as great . . .
