Footprints of a Large Creature


In 2009 and 2010, in a remote area of northeast Mexico, a man examined some large tracks of what he believes is a flying creature; in 2010, he took photographs. He even suspects that they may have come from one or more living pterosaurs; at least they were fresh tracks, in at least one case being left soon after a lot of rain had fallen. In this part of Mexico, some residents have reported strange flying creatures, large ones.

Recent Pterosaur Tracks or Monster Tracks?

The impressions in the soil were one inch deep, and he could not make that deep of an impression, even after jumping on the soil nearby; it must have been a heavy animal. One of the kinds of footprints was about 18 inches by about 20 inches . . . that is a large foot.

Pterosaur Tracks in Mexico, Maybe

This area is between 7000 and 8000 feet above sea level, according to the eyewitness. Although the tracks do not show the toe-claw marks that would be expected of pterosaur footprints, it is possible for some species of modern pterosaur to leave prints without toe marks.

Recent apparent footprint of a large creature