Videos on Modern Dragons or Pterosaurs


By the nonfiction cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb

Let’s look at some of the videos available on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life:


Counter Culture of the Ropen

This music video introduces the idea that some persons in Western nations are starting to embrace a culture of belief in modern living pterosaurs. No previous video on Protect Animal Life is like this one:

  • sky scrapers with gigantic billboards with images of ropens
  • art gallery with people looking at similar images: modern pterosaurs
  • an animated robot with a sketch of a ropen on it, etc.


young woman painting black ropen on a canvas


Test Yourself on Modern Pterosaurs – quiz #1

How much do you know about eyewitness sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs (“dinosaur birds” or “pterodactyls”)? Test yourself with these nine questions about these amazing featherless flying creatures.


Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina

For many years ordinary persons in South Carolina have reported extraordinary featherless flying creatures, some of them huge: apparent living pterosaurs. Some American eyewitnesses call this kind of animal “pterodactyl” or “flying dinosaur”.


A Confession About a Pterodactyl

Jonathan Whitcomb confesses that in about 1969 he disbelieved an eyewitness of an apparent “pterodactyl” that a high school student reported had flown up into the mountains north of Altadena and Pasadena, California. Decades later, Whitcomb was researching similar sightings and called the lady. Now he believed her.


Ropen of Papua New Guinea

See for yourself the fear on the face of the native young man Mesa Augustin. Hear what his friend, Gideon Koro, says about the huge ropen that flew over Lake Pung and terrified the boys who had hiked up there just to have fun. The boys ran home in great fear.


Living Pterosaurs – in newspapers

The world’s most prolific writer on sightings of non-extinct “pterodactyls”—Jonathan Whitcomb—gives you an introduction to newspaper articles about these shocking flying creatures.


Impeach Ropen? Kicked off Wikipedia

This first episode of DRAGONET shows the ropen being kicked off of the English version of Wikipedia in 2014 (‘impeached’ is not the best word for being eliminated from Wikipedia). Do you remember the TV series “Dragnet?” This is different . . . OK, maybe the beginning appears almost the same.




Videos on Modern Pterosaurs

As of February 23, 2020, the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life had 44 videos, all but one of them mostly about eyewitness reports of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs . . .


Pterodactyl Caught on Camera

Three videos on this Youtube playlist, each one about the same pterosaur sighting on New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea in 2015


Featherless flying creature

The press release “Unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas,” suggests the mysterious flying lights sometimes seen around Marfa, Texas, may be related to the nocturnal ropen of Papua New Guinea.


Modern dragons or pterodactyls

Are some pterodactyls still living? That idea is controversial, to be sure, for where is the photo to prove such a bold idea?

But wait a moment. What does photography have to do with it? Where is photographic evidence that every kind of pterodactyl became extinct millions of years ago?


The cryptid called “ropen”

This video is mostly about the ropen of Papua New Guinea, although it has other names: seklo-bali, kor, indava, and wawanar.


The Youtube video “Dragons and Pterosaurs”

Long ago, people called these large frightening creatures “dragons.” In more recent generations, people are more likely to call them “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs.”