Little-Known Explanation for Traditional Marriage

Regardless of the problems some marriages have with lack of attention, marriage itself is now getting lots of attention. With all the political fuss about Proposition 8 in California, an explanation for supporters appears very simple: The husband-wife relationship deserves to have a name specific to itself. What simplicity! It requires no hatred toward any individual, whether labeled “gay” or not, for it simply shows respect for the ancient institution on which all human societies are based. After all, if it weren’t for traditional marriage, there would not now be any “gays,” or anyone else, for that matter, for countless generations of husband-wife families have created our present human life.

How is traditional marriage threatened by redefining “marriage?” How can it not be harmed? How else could anyone destroy traditional marriage, without first taking away from our language any specific reference to the husband-wife relationship? Without Proposition 8, in California there would no longer be any word specifically for traditional marriage. Don’t we already have enough challenges in our marriages without changing our language to remove any specific reference to it?