
Large Fruit Bats and Giant Pterodactyls

Jonathan Whitcomb and Garth Guessman have explored in Papua New Guinea, searching for giant living pterosaurs that are known by the name “ropen.” Contrary to speculations of critics, these nocturnal flying creatures are not flying fox fruit bats; the real ropen is nothing like that hypothetical giant bat. Contrary to the proclamations of critics, pterosaurs (known by some Americans as “pterodactyls”) are not all extinct, at least not in all of the many species that must have once lived on the earth. And Whitcomb and Guessman are real persons, not invented characters. I know, for I am Jonathan Whitcomb and Garth Guessman is my friend.

We have interviewed many eyewitnesses over the past seven years, many indeed. The descriptions given to us are clearly non-bats and non-birds. Some of the encounters were with large or giant flying creatures with long tails. We do not exaggerate “long,” for Duane Hodgkinson estimated tail length at “at least 10-15 feet.” Gideon Koro that for a moment before answer my question about tail length; he then said, “seven meter” (about twenty-two feet). Even if the eyewitnesses exaggerated by a factor of 100%, a  featherless flying creature with a tail six to eleven feet long is no fruit bat.

Garth Guessman cryptozoologist
Garth Guessman
Jonathan Whitcomb in Gomlongon, Papua New Guinea
Jonathan Whitcomb
