
Living Pterosaur in Australia

It seems that not all pterosaurs found in Australia are fossil bones in the ground. Some of these flying creatures, the ones associated with dinosaurs and ancient extinctions, are still observed in various parts of Australia. Apparent giant pterosaurs have been reported in the west, east, south, and interior: the Outback.

Pterosaur in Australia – East Coast

“We saw it at Mt Coolum . . . I was [driving] towards the ocean . . . We heard . . . the swoosh noise . . . [we saw] a black shape coming from the trees; the next thing we saw was one wing over the windscreen. It crossed our path . . . I couldn’t see the road for a moment, just wing covering the entire windscreen. The body was over the car and it’s other wing, over the back . . . we could not see the body . . . [only] the wing: bat like leather, veins and leather stretched over a bone structure. That was dinosaur era.

Pterosaur Sightings in Australia

“I live . . . in the state of Victoria near the Dandenong Ranges about 25 klms east of Melbourne.

“I think it would have been around the late 1990′s. . . . I was standing outside about nine o’clock one night. It was full moon and very bright with a cloud bank to the south east extending to and over the Ranges. Mt. Dandenong is about 2000 feet high and the clouds were much higher . . .

“[I saw] something flying that appeared to be at the height of light planes that fly around here as Moorabbin Airport is not far away. This thing was at least as large as a light plane, say a Cesna.  It was about 5 klms away and was lazily flapping it’s wings . . . It appeared to be lit up by the moonlight and shining as if it had no feathers. . . . I could see it quite clearly. . . . for about 5 mins whence it disappeared into the cloud bank. I estimate it was flying at a height higher than Mt Dandenong.”