Is the New Book About Religion?

By the investigative journalist Jonathan Whitcomb

My new nonfiction is for middle-grade children and many (but not all) teenagers: The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur. This is a short cryptozoology book, not about religion but about eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs. It invites you to seek the truth behind what people around the world report observing.

I highly recommend my new book to young LDS readers, yet it really is for English-speaking people of all faiths. I hope that readers will send in comments, either through something like Amazon customer reviews or through my contact page.

I gave this book a general age recommendation for readers: eight to fourteen years old. The most-delighted readers are more likely to be 10-12 year-olds, however. I expect a greater number of them will find the book both rewarding and easy to understand.

Here are some of the benefits I believe are available to young readers of The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur:

  1. This book does not indoctrinate the reader into what must be believed; it invites the reader to consider what people report observing.
  2. It does not ridicule the obvious interpretation of what people have seen; it compares one sighting with others, inviting the reader to use critical thinking.
  3. It does not rely on the imagination of professors regarding what may have happened (or did not happen) millions of years ago; it tells the reader what is seen today.

Here’s the URL for this “dinosaur” book for children and teens on Amazon.


non-fiction book about living pterosaurs

The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur (short nonfiction)

Is This for LDS Readers?

Although this short nonfiction was not written with LDS youth in mind, I feel confident that many of them can find my new cryptozoology book delightful.



New ‘Dinosaur’ Book for Young Readers

The non-fiction paperback The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur introduces a new field of cryptozoology to kids and teens who are about eight to fourteen years old.


Promoting Pterodactyls and the ‘Mormon Religion’

A biology professor in Minnesota wrote a blog post, the other week, blasting my research and investigations into sighting reports of apparent pterosaurs (AKA pterodactyls). Most of his declarations about my intentions, however, were false. His mistake about my purposes in writing that page on lds-nonfiction-dot-com, however, was interesting to me; I was actually writing to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who might enjoy reading my most recent book, Searching for Ropens and Finding God (every person deserves to know the truth). That’s why the page is on lds-nonfiction, instead of something like “Christian Nonfiction-Book Readers” or something like that. . . .


The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur

The new non-fiction plus several other books about modern pterosaurs


Non-extinct pterodactyls

Modern pterodactyls in the United States


Nonfiction Books for LDS Readers

With the Christmas gift-giving season approaching, I offer the following three nonfiction books that I have written, each of them about evidences for non-extinct pterosaurs, what many Westerners call “pterodactyls.”

Before getting into the differences between these cryptozoology books, let me be clear: Not one of them was written entirely for an LDS audience. Even the one that has the most references to Mormon beliefs and perspectives, Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition)—that nonfiction is highly praised, on Amazon, by readers who appear to be non-LDS Christians, although it is sometimes unclear, from the Amazon reader-review comments, what religious beliefs they have. In short, SFRFG can be enjoyed by many readers, except for some atheists who are sometimes vocal to support their atheism.


Three cryptozoology book: Live Pterosaurs in America, Modern Pterosaurs, and Searching for Ropens and Finding God

Three nonfiction books that can be enjoyed and understood by LDS readers


Does the Existence of Modern Pterosaurs Support Christian Beliefs?

I’ll paraphrase what some skeptics have said: “The existence of a living pterosaur would not disprove evolution.” Are those skeptics right or wrong there? Yes and very much so. But how they’re right is less important, and relevant and how they’re wrong is more so.

In a broad perspective, the reality of modern non-extinct pterosaurs is more in harmony with a belief in the Flood of Noah, with preservation of species on the Ark, than it is with the origin philosophy of Charles Darwin. In a narrow sense, the official scientific discovery of one species of pterosaur would not necessarily disrupt popular teachings about the general theory of evolution, yet the reality of decades of eyewitness sighting reports, and many years of research on those reports, show us that a number of species of pterosaurs are very much non-extinct. That is something else.

Searching for Ropens and Finding God (4th edition)

My largest nonfiction, at 360 pages, is more about true-life adventure than religion. I added “and finding God” to the title of later editions because so many atheists were becoming offended at passages that promoted faith in God and belief in the Bible. The revised title helps non-religious readers avoid purchasing the book by mistake when they assume it is only about cryptozoology.

cryptozoology book about living pterosaurs

The quest for discovering modern pterosaurs


Most readers are not offended by the limited references to religious beliefs in SFRFG. I don’t recall any non-LDS reader being offended by any reference to my Mormon faith. Most of the religious promotion is for believing in the Bible and acting on that faith. In fact, it has more references to Baptists than to Mormons, at least when one looks up those two faiths in the index.

I recommend SFRFG, fourth edition, as a Christmas gift for both LDS and non-LDS readers, for it shows how explorers and researchers of different Christian faiths can work together in a common cause.

The following are some online sellers of Searching for Ropens and Finding God:

Amazon cryptozoology nonfiction

Fly above common true-life adventures, and dive into what may become the most unsettling scientific discovery since Copernicus and Galileo . . .

Barnes & Noble – “Flying Dinosaurs”

The quest for discovering modern pterosaurs


Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition)

This paperback of 154 pages is less of a cross-genre than Searching for Ropens and Finding God: It’s mostly pure nonfiction cryptozoology. The eyewitness sightings are confined almost entirely to the 48 Contiguous States of the USA, but oh how broad are those encounters with extraordinary flying creatures!

small pile of copies of the cryptozoology book "Live Pterosaurs in America"

Flying creatures of cryptozoology – Pterosaurs


This third edition of LPA, which I self-published in 2011, is not anything like a complete collection of eyewitness accounts of possible pterosaurs in the USA. The more-credible reports are given more attention, and some of them are compared with each other, showing similarities in descriptions of the flying creatures.

Live Pterosaurs in America can be a delightful gift book for many readers, LDS or not, and many readers have been satisfied with a reasonably short reading on a subject that they had never before encountered.

Amazon – pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs

Many scientists have long assumed all pterosaurs died millions of years ago. Now take a whirlwind tour of many years of investigations in cryptozoology, and prepare for a shock: At least two species of pterosaurs have survived, uncommon, not so much rare as widely, thinly distributed.

Books a Million – Pterosaurs not extinct


Modern Pterosaurs (published in 2017)

This differs from the other two cryptozoology paperbacks about these flying creatures. Modern Pterosaurs has eyewitness reports, but they’re secondary, to support the main point: an old photograph that includes a pterosaur right in the photo.

"Modern Pterosaurs" shows how credible is the Ptp photograph of a living pterosaur

Modern Pterosaurs – by Jonathan Whitcomb


This is the shortest of the three paperbacks, at 116 pages. I’ll quote a few sentences from the second page of the Introduction:

Why don’t we dive into the Ptp photograph in the first chapter? After all, it’s the main subject of the book. . . . You need to know what people have been encountering around the world, before you can see clearly what’s in the Ptp photo. Once you know what’s been flying overhead, what people around the world have been encountering, you’ll be better prepared to see and understand the details in Ptp. You should then appreciate what has always been available to those with eyes to see.

I offer this book as a collection of evidences for the authenticity of the Ptp photo, not as if it were, by itself, proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the apparent Pteranodon must have been a pterosaur living in the 19th century but as an overall preponderance of evidence that a modern pterosaur was indeed photographed in the 19th century.

Createspace – Human encounters with living “pterodactyls”

First edition – This fully supports the literal Flood of Noah in the Bible, although the genre is nonfiction cryptozoology.

Barnes & Noble – Modern Pterosaurs

Now two scientists share their astonishing discovery: This is a genuine photograph of an actual animal that appears to have been a modern pterosaur . . .


Please contact me with any comments or questions: Jonathan Whitcomb




Nonfiction books by an LDS Author

Whitcomb’s book is nicknamed the “Bible of modern pterosaurs”


LDS Nonfiction?

Is the fourth edition of Searching for Ropens and Finding God especially for Mormon readers or is it for Christians in general or is it for nonfiction cryptozoology readers? I would say yes to all the above, yet parts of this book may be easier to understand when read by LDS readers.
