New Music for Church Choirs

Written in 2022, the S.A.T.B. choir piece “Come to Christ” has text adapted from the scriptures of both the Book of Mormon and the Bible. The final version is #134, beginning with the following words:

Press forward: Feast on the word of Christ;
Behold you shall have eternal life.

This is appropriate for Christian choirs in general, however it is easiest to understand by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for it refers to several scriptures in the Book of Mormon.

Book of Mormon choir music "Come to Christ"

Harmonic Style

Although it may sound ordinary to many music listeners, the harmony has no precise dominant or subdominant chords, using instead four-note chords that may appear to be unresolved dominant-sevenths but which never resolve in the common way.



New Book of Mormon Music

The harmonic style in this brief composition for choir fundamentally differs from the common harmonic practice in Western music during the past three hundred years.


Mormon music

How does music fit in to the Mormon way of life? What is its place in Latter-day Saint theology and philosophy?


Book of Mormon hymn

Sealed by Moroni’s hand,
It has for ages lain
To wait the Lord’s command,
From dust to speak again.


Choir music from the Book of Mormon

. . . I felt impressed to make it a choir composition and soon arranged words taken from II Nephi 31:20 in the Book of Mormon. . . .


Music related to the Book of Mormon

Vocals, instrumentals, and sheet music are available for the sound tracks from the Book of Mormon CD.


Come to Christ music for choir

Press forward: Feast on the word of Christ; behold you shall have eternal life. Hold to the rod, the word of God . . .
