Naming of a Cryptid: Hodgkinson-Hennessy Ropen

Duane Hodgkinson, in New Guinea in 1944, saw what he described as a “pterodactyl.” More than half a century later he completed a questionairre and was interviewed several times by two cryptozoologists. In recent years he has been a flight instructor near Livingston, Montana, having many thousands of hours of flying time:  a credible eyewitness.

Brian Hennessy, in New Guinea in 1971, saw what he described as a “prehistoric” creature flying overhead. More than three decades later he completed a questionairre and was interviewed by one cryptozoologist. In recent years he has been a psychologist at a medical university in China: a credible eyewitness.

It now seems that Hodgkinson and Hennessy saw the same species of living pterosaur, with a long thin beak, a long tail, and horn-like head appendage (head crest). The cyptid has been named the Hodgkinson-Hennessy ropen. Of course, the creature is still unclassified by Western science, not listed in a biology textbook but living within the realm of cryptozoology.