Boredom Relief for Teenagers


A common sense perspective to helping teens overcome boredom is found on the site “Teen Boredom Relief.”

Teenagers  are human, needing a balance of work, rest, pla, and the structured learning that we call “education.” . . . Social interaction, of course, can be an important part of the four basic activities. In fact, the friendly relationships are important in our lives, including the many positive communications with others.

Who could argue with those sensible general suggestions? But the detail following is interestingly uncommon:

Strange as it may seem, at least a few teens feel excited to become involved in cryptozoology, even in the unusual field of living-pterosaur reports.

Well, if your teenager is cured from boredom by reading about eyewitness accounts of living pterosaurs, what’s wrong with that? The curious specific reference to live pterodactyls, however, seems to be explained by the one advertisement on that web page: the nonfiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America.

3 Replies to “Boredom Relief for Teenagers”

  1. This reference to the cryptozoology book on pterosaurs in the United States is part of a national publicity campaign based upon the press release “unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas.” Near the bottom of this news release, the nonfiction book is mentioned: “Live Pterosaurs in America” (second edition).

  2. For those who may feel that this promotion of a cryptozoology book to relieve boredom in teenagers is blatant commercialism and even false advertising, consider this: In the book itself, two young men are mentioned who became passionatelly involved in living-pterosaur investigations: One teenager wrote a book and went on expeditions; a twelve-year-old interviewed an eyewitness (and that account was published in “Live Pterosaurs in America” second edition). Cryptozoology may not be for all teens, but for some of them it really kicks boredom out the door,.

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