“Living Pterosaurs of Hollywood”

Two separate eyewitnesses reported one or more strange flying creatures, a few miles east of Hollywood, in 2013. The sightings were ten weeks apart, just 1.5 miles from each other, and near Griffith Park.

The first witness reported three “dragons” that glided over the Interstate-5 Freeway. The second witness reported one “pterosaur” that glided over that same freeway, but a little further to the south.

Both eyewitnesses reported their encounters to the cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb, who concluded that they had observed the same species. He calls it “ropen.”

According to some cryptozoologists, those flying creatures are descended from what paleontologists call “basal pterosaurs,” the long-tailed ones that were supposed to have become extinct before the more famous “pterodactyls” that are often portrayed in film and on television, in science fiction and fantasy. Whitcomb calls his books about the modern flying creatures “nonfiction.”

Pterosaur Sightings East of Griffith Park

How delighted I was, this past March, to receive an eyewitness report of three “dragons” flying over the I-5 freeway in Los Angeles! . . . How delighted I was, earlier this month, to received an eyewitness report of a “pterosaur” flying over that same stretch of freeway just east of Griffith Park!

Pterosaurs East of Griffith Park

This morning at about 6 a.m. I saw three “dragons” flying over the 5-North freeway between Griffith Park and Glendale. . . . with a head-body-tail ratio that was certainly not that of a bird. Their wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points. They appeared light in color—white, gray or light green. . . .