Pterosaur Sightings in Georgia, U.S.A.

In recent years, several eyewitnesses in Georgia have been shocked to see a living pterosaur, notwithstanding biology textbooks’ declarations about extinctions millions of years ago. But sightings are not confined to Georgia; they have also been reported in surrounding states, in particular Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

Sighting in Northern Georgia, July of 2010

“My wife and I were sitting outside when motion from above the tree tops to our left caught my attention. It’s very hard to explain how I felt at that moment. We were looking at two extreamly large birds flying together and heading north towards the NC border.

“Both birds had what I can only guess to be 15-20′ wing spans and the motion of their wings as they flew was very slow. The head was long and ended in a point, wings ended in a point and appeared to be featherless, they had a tail of sorts.”


Live Pterosaur in Georgia?

Reports of living “pterodactyls” in Georgia, during the past seven years, probably relate to sightings of some flying creatures in South Carolina and Florida


Pterodactyl in Georgia

On Dec 10, 2012, myself and wife were driving home at around 1:30 am on Briscoe Rd in Loganville, Georgia. As we crested a hill, our light came down across a large flying animal that I instantly thought looked like a pterodactyl