Pterosaur Sightings Near Whittier, California

Over the past ten years, eyewitnesses have reported living pterosaurs (AKA pterodactyls) flying over eastern Los Angeles County, sometimes around Whittier. Two of those sightings were within about eighteen months of each other: early 2005 (Santa Fe Springs) involved a huge flying creature the approximate size of a Cesna airplane; 2006 (also Santa Fe Springs) sighting of a long-tailed “pterodactyl” that may have had a wingspan of 6-12 feet.

One little known account involves a thirsty pterosaur:

La Habra, California

a large flying creature that stopped for a drink at a friend of the families home in the hills of La Habra Ca.  She said she could of sworn a helicopter had set down in her back yard, but as she peered out the back window, she saw a big winged “thing” drinking out of her pool.  By the time she was able to get her camera it had flown off.

Santa Fe Springs Sightings

He saw the long-tailed “pterodactyl” flying in an irregular way, unlike any bird flight that the eyewitness had seen. At the end of the tail was a furry or hairy ball or similar structure

Who can be a Pterodactyl Expert?

But communicating with eyewitnesses—that in itself has helped me to learn how to get to the relevant truth about apparent pterosaurs that are observed by people around the world.