Pterosaur in Australia

Flying cryptids like giant pterosaurs have been spotted in various parts of Australia, including coastal areas and the outback. A common feature described by eyewitnesses is a long tail and an apparent absence of feathers.

Dragons or Pterosaurs in Australia

“My husband and I both sighted a huge creature flying over a densely populated area, while we were out walking one night in Perth, Western Australia on the coastline around 10:30 pm . . . it had a long tail and a wingspan that we estimated at between 30-50 feet across . . . “This creature was huge and never in my life have I ever seen anything that remotely resembled it until I found a page on Pterosaurs.”

Pterosaur Sightings in Australia

An email to the American cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb:

Late in 2009, I received an email from a man in Victoria, Australia.

“Dear Jonathon, after many misgivings about going ‘public’ as it were, I have decided to contact you with my experience of sighting what I believe to have been a Pterodactyl.

“I live in Australia in the state of Victoria near the Dandenong Ranges about 25 klms east of Melbourne.

“I was standing outside about nine o’clock one night. It was full moon and very bright with a cloud bank to the south east extending to and over the Ranges. . . . I glanced to the south and [saw] . . . something flying that appeared to be at the height of light planes that fly around here . . . This thing was at least as large as a light plane, say a Cesna.  It was about 5 klms away and was lazily flapping it’s wings . . . It appeared to be lit up by the moonlight and shining as if it had no feathers. . . . I could see it quite clearly. . . . for about 5 mins whence it disappeared into the cloud bank.”