Extant Pterosaur in Europe

Flying dragons in Europe are known in legends, but what about extant long-tailed pterosaurs? A few reports have surfaced in recent years, one from a British music-concert enthusiast who camped out in Eastern Spain in the summer of 2007. The eyewitness said:

” . . . sitting on the ground by the tents . . . I saw what I at first assumed was an owl gliding over the campsite . . .  it passed right over us, probably about 30-40 feet high, and as I watched it, I realised it was definitely no owl I’d ever seen before. It . . . had a long thin tail, and didn’t flap once. . . . The impression I got was a lot more bat-like than bird, except it had a beak. . . .”

Another pterosaur sighting in Europe was in the Netherlands: “. . . about five kilometers northwest of Amsterdam, a number of years ago, on a hot summer afternoon, a featherless creature flew ‘coming out of the city and flying to a big canal.’”

The concept of extant pterosaurs flying over modern European cities and countrysides appears paranormal only when taken out of context, for many accounts of pterosaurs in Africa make it plausible for the flying creatures to extend their ranges into Europe, at least on occasion, at least assuming that pterosaurs live in Africa.