Off the Beaten Track: Wildlife Books

As we approach the Christmas gift-giving season (how commercial!) we may consider books about wildlife and animals. These seem to be popular as gift-books.

Secretariat’s Meadow (story of a race horse)

On March 30, 1970, Secretariat drew his first breath in a little white foaling shed on a historic farm called The Meadow in Caroline County, Virginia. Three years later he would leave the nation breathless as he captured the Triple Crown, shattering records and rivals alike.

Great Migrations (by National Geographic) (wildlife migrations)

At a riverbank in Africa’s Serengeti, thousands of migrating wildebeest try desperately to cross as terrifying crocs feast on the galloping herds–which must attempt the river for a chance at survival. . . . In the Falkland Islands, the albatross . . . in this magnificent book, companion to the 7-hour HD epic television event from National Geographic . . .

Live Pterosaurs in America, second edition (Amazon category: wildlife book) (Nonfiction)

Encounters with living pterosaurs (Eyewitness accounts in cryptozoology)

Live “pterodactyls?” In the United States? Many scientists have long assumed all pterosaurs died millions of years ago. Now take a whirlwind tour of many years of investigations in cryptozoology, and prepare for a shock: At least two species of pterosaurs have survived, uncommon, not so much rare as widely, thinly distributed.