
Videos on Modern Dragons or Pterosaurs

By the nonfiction cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb

Let’s look at some of the videos available on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life:


Counter Culture of the Ropen

This music video introduces the idea that some persons in Western nations are starting to embrace a culture of belief in modern living pterosaurs. No previous video on Protect Animal Life is like this one:

  • sky scrapers with gigantic billboards with images of ropens
  • art gallery with people looking at similar images: modern pterosaurs
  • an animated robot with a sketch of a ropen on it, etc.


young woman painting black ropen on a canvas


Test Yourself on Modern Pterosaurs – quiz #1

How much do you know about eyewitness sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs (“dinosaur birds” or “pterodactyls”)? Test yourself with these nine questions about these amazing featherless flying creatures.


Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina

For many years ordinary persons in South Carolina have reported extraordinary featherless flying creatures, some of them huge: apparent living pterosaurs. Some American eyewitnesses call this kind of animal “pterodactyl” or “flying dinosaur”.


A Confession About a Pterodactyl

Jonathan Whitcomb confesses that in about 1969 he disbelieved an eyewitness of an apparent “pterodactyl” that a high school student reported had flown up into the mountains north of Altadena and Pasadena, California. Decades later, Whitcomb was researching similar sightings and called the lady. Now he believed her.


Ropen of Papua New Guinea

See for yourself the fear on the face of the native young man Mesa Augustin. Hear what his friend, Gideon Koro, says about the huge ropen that flew over Lake Pung and terrified the boys who had hiked up there just to have fun. The boys ran home in great fear.


Living Pterosaurs – in newspapers

The world’s most prolific writer on sightings of non-extinct “pterodactyls”—Jonathan Whitcomb—gives you an introduction to newspaper articles about these shocking flying creatures.


Impeach Ropen? Kicked off Wikipedia

This first episode of DRAGONET shows the ropen being kicked off of the English version of Wikipedia in 2014 (‘impeached’ is not the best word for being eliminated from Wikipedia). Do you remember the TV series “Dragnet?” This is different . . . OK, maybe the beginning appears almost the same.




Videos on Modern Pterosaurs

As of February 23, 2020, the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life had 44 videos, all but one of them mostly about eyewitness reports of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs . . .


Pterodactyl Caught on Camera

Three videos on this Youtube playlist, each one about the same pterosaur sighting on New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea in 2015


Featherless flying creature

The press release “Unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas,” suggests the mysterious flying lights sometimes seen around Marfa, Texas, may be related to the nocturnal ropen of Papua New Guinea.


Modern dragons or pterodactyls

Are some pterodactyls still living? That idea is controversial, to be sure, for where is the photo to prove such a bold idea?

But wait a moment. What does photography have to do with it? Where is photographic evidence that every kind of pterodactyl became extinct millions of years ago?


The cryptid called “ropen”

This video is mostly about the ropen of Papua New Guinea, although it has other names: seklo-bali, kor, indava, and wawanar.


The Youtube video “Dragons and Pterosaurs”

Long ago, people called these large frightening creatures “dragons.” In more recent generations, people are more likely to call them “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs.”

Recent Dragons or Pterosaurs

By the living-pterosaur author and scientist Jonathan Whitcomb

What a wonderful world we live in, a planet that provides for so many forms of life! For many human cultures and in many periods of history, people have had no difficulty in believing in flying dragons. Persons who had not personally witnessed such a flying creature might have known somebody who had, or at least they knew of the stories of dragons and recognized that those accounts were told within a culture that believed in their reality. That’s the way things were.

Unfortunately, comparably few Westerners have had such an open mind in recent generations. People have been indoctrinated into dinosaur and pterosaur extinction for a long time in Western countries, so they assume it must be some kind of mistake when somebody reports observing a living pterosaur (dinosaurs are beyond the subject of this post).

Once I get into a sighting report or begin to interview an eyewitness, I care little about the label used for a particular flying creature. Common is the word pterodactyl, although some eyewitnesses call it a dinosaur bird or a dragon. I care much more about exactly what the person saw. I suggest using this approach.


Two ropens seen by a U.S. Marine at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Sketch by eyewitness Eskin C. Kuhn, 1971, Cuba


Eyewitness Reliability

Skeptics and critics have seriously misunderstood and misapplied the concept of human error in observations. I’ve often seen this kind of criticism over the past 14 years that I have been investigating reports of living pterosaurs.

A typical remark from a critic, who replies to an account of an apparent extant pterosaur, is like this: “Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable.” What the critic fails to realize is this: Almost all of the most important scientific discoveries involved an important observation, a human seeing something. Of course repeatable experiments count for much in science, and a sighting of an apparent living pterosaur is not repeatable, unless a photo or video was recorded, or a scientist can go to that location and see something similar, but we need to keep in mind that all scientific progress requires observing something.

We also need to know that one thing that is even less reliable than direct eyewitness testimony. I wonder if any critic has realized that he or she is observing something while dismissing a recent or an old report of a sighting of an apparent living pterosaur. The critic is observing something in his or her imagination.

Indeed, that skeptic is looking at imagined extinctions of all pterosaurs, looking at the imagined weakness in another person’s ability to comprehend what was seen by the eyes, and looking at an imagined misidentification. In other words, while reporting the unreliability of human observation and comprehension of reality, the critic is reporting his or her own observation and comprehension of reality. The skeptic is looking at what is created in the imagination.

Of course we can see opportunities for an eyewitness to make a mistake while observing something with the eyes, but how easy it is for a skeptic to make mistakes while constructing things in the imagination! And why construct in the imagination only those things that would make a sighting of an apparent modern pterosaur invalid?

I, Jonathan Whitcomb, have seen much evidence, during my 14 years of investigating this subject, solid evidence that critics are trying to protect the old popular axiom of universal extinctions of all species of pterosaurs. Perhaps the skeptics feel comfortable with the idea that science is a collection of proven facts, and one of the “facts” is that certain species became extinct many millions of years ago.

I found this kind of definition of science in (first definition):

“a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths
systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws:
the mathematical sciences.”

I suggest that the first part of that first definition is a poor one. Better is the second definition found just below that:

“systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.”

I found the following definition of “science” at the top of a Google search result (“definition of science”):

“the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

Why do I prefer that definition?

  • It includes the word observation
  • It allows for future refinements: changes and modifications to older ideas


Very Recent Sightings of Living Pterosaurs

This past June (2017), my wife and I (Jonathan Whitcomb) interviewed three eyewitnesses of a “dragon” in Draper, Utah. With one of the sightings, a twelve-year-old boy and his mother were watching stars when the huge creature flew over their house. Both eyewitnesses were shocked by its appearance and the boy immediately wanted to go back into the house. With the third eyewitness, a man saw the same flying creature, or one like it, earlier in 2017, as it flew over his backyard. My wife and I found these three eyewitnesses to be very credible.

Two miles from the border with Wales, in Shropshire, England, in mid-September of 2017, a lady encountered two apparent living pterosaurs. She told me much, including this: “I saw two pterodactyls, side by side, flying past the tree. Now at first I had to check myself, because the first thing I thought was ‘those are blooooody big birds, that’s no lie.’ But what struck me was that it had a giant size beak and the wings had no feathers.”



Living pterosaurs

Sightings in the southern states of the USA


Dragon-pterodactyl in California

A 38-year-old woman in a residential neighborhood of Lakewood, California, just northeast of Long Beach, reported a “dragon-pterodactyl” that had no feathers but a long tail . . .


Publications About Living Pterosaurs

This includes books, some of which only mention modern “pterodactyls” briefly, but other books are entirely about sightings of extant pterosaurs.


How to report a live pterodactyl

Contact the cryptozoologist who specializes in living pterosaurs: Jonathan Whitcomb.


Pterosaur or dragon sighting in California

A lady in Lakewood, California, saw a “dragon pteradactal” in the middle of the day, on June 19, 2012, only about twenty feet away. She was shocked to see it but she also accidentally frightened the creature.


About men who’ve searched for living pterosaurs

Introduces four explorers who have looked for these flying creatures:

  • Paul Nation
  • David Woetzel
  • Carl Baugh
  • Josh Gates


Recent Pterosaur Sightings

You don’t need to go on an expedition to Papua New Guinea to see a modern pterosaur including a long-tailed featherless ropen. For generations, Americans have been encountering these shocking flying creatures, and the sightings continue.


Sightings of living pterosaurs

Near Pottstown, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles northwest of Philadelphia, three children observed an apparent pterosaur flying overhead.


Big Bird in Draper, Utah (actually a pterosaur)

On June 26, 2017, my wife and I met with several eyewitnesses in a neighborhood of Draper, Utah, (in the southern part of the Salt Lake Valley) a few miles west of the Wasatch Mountains. Each of the four persons we talked with lived within about 300 yards of each other . . .


Evidence of Modern Pterosaurs or Ropens

I just saw a question posted to a discussion group on Facebook: Living Pterosaurs of the World. I believe the person posing the question is honestly trying to get an answer. Here is the question:

Why don’t we find any carcasses of these animals in nature when they die?

I know a simple answer that may help this particular person to keep an open mind about the eyewitness sighting reports. Most of the earth’s land surface is wilderness and much of the rest of it is semi-wilderness. When an animal dies, it begins to decay, usually soon looking little like its appearance during life. The vast majority of large wild animals in wilderness areas die and decay away before any person discovers the carcass. Ropens, and other modern pterosaurs, live in fewer numbers than many other creatures, leaving far fewer carcasses than common birds and mammals and reptiles. But we have much more going on here.

Who is meant by “we?” If it means only those who are actively participating in the Facebook group Living Pterosaurs of the World, then it should be no surprise that not one of us have seen a carcass of a modern pterosaur. But if “we” means all humans now living on the face of the earth, we have another question that comes up: “Why assume that nobody has found a carcass of a ropen?”

A Ropen Living in a Cage?

I have received countless reports, over the past twelve years, of encounters with apparent pterosaurs, many reports coming from the eyewitnesses themselves. In one account (not first hand) some natives in Papua New Guinea had captured a creature that was thought to be a ropen. That animal was kept for some time, in a cage, for it would have been dangerous for the local natives if it had been released. Yet I have never seen any mention of that in a newspaper.

For a Western newspaper, how unlikely that any reporter would try to get an article published about a pterosaur being held alive in a cage in a remote village in Papua New Guinea! I know from experience that any American traveling to that remote part of the world, to search for living pterosaurs, is immediately subject to ridicule in the United States. If that kind of story is never told in an American newspaper, how much more unlikely that a modern-pterosaur-carcass discovery, in a remote area, would be taken seriously by an American reporter! Any skeptic would be able to dismiss the carcass as a known animal that had decayed in a way that reminded somebody of a pterodactyl.

Western Blindness

Many persons in Western societies, including in the United States, are blind to ideas that run contrary to deeply-entrenched assumptions. Many have little or no belief in Bigfoot or other reported cryptids, so what about creatures that were supposed to be all dead, totally extinct by millions of years ago, even close to a hundred million years ago, for some Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs? If many Americans have never heard about sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs, how could they be expected to believe that a partially decayed carcass was from a recently-living “pterodactyl?”

Huge Featherless Flying Creatures

We need to let the public know about the many sightings of large apparent pterosaurs that fly overhead in many areas of the world. When enough people become aware of the sightings, we’ll be closer to the point where a recently-deceased ropen can be examined with an open mind. That would be better than just ridiculing a person for coming forward with a carcass of such an animal.


1965 "Gitmo Pterosaur" or "pterodactyl" or "dinosaur" seen by two children in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Ropen observed by the artist, Patty, Carson, of Southern California




The Ropen and Evolution

A common criticism thrown at me and my associates relates to the age of the earth and evolution. . . . they construct a sentence or two, in their own words, as if it were our words or our precise purposes.

Doubting Personal Sanity

Have you seen a live pterodactyl flying overhead (I know that sounds crazy)? My first advice is this: Don’t doubt your sanity; my second: Don’t take it upon yourself to convert the Western world to your discovery of non-extinct pterosaurs.

Ropen Creature on Destination Truth

This “Ropen” episode of Destination Truth is far better than the “Flying Monsters” episode of Monsterquest, although the flying creatures involved are at least mostly the same.

Ropen and Chupacabra

“Pterodactyl-type bird” in Papua New Guinea and possible chupacabra in Chile

New Guinea Ropens

. . . they were  amazed as a large creature flew up into  the air.

Ropen-Pterosaur Research

I have admired Jonathan Whitcomb’s Ropen / Pterosaur research for many years. I have posted a few of Jonathan’s offerings from recent years, which includes an article he wrote for Phantoms & Monsters . . .

Eyewitnesses of the Ropen of Umboi

Three men describe the pterodactyl-like creature of Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea. They saw the giant ropen (about 1994) flying over Lake Pung.
