Createspace for Book Authors

Traditional publishing has its place, but for me Createspace has been the ideal partner in self publishing. This company, acquired by Amazon a few years ago, makes it relatively easy to publish books for authors who want more than traditional freedom or who have had bad experiences with traditional publishers. And the cost is almost free: Unless there has been a recent change in Createspace policy, the only direct cost for having your book published and printed is the cost of the proof copies sent to you, in other words, as little as the cost of a meal for two in a family restaurant.

Createspace pays much better than other POD (publishing on demand) companies. You may be able to price your book a little lower than the competition and still receive more revenues than you would with another POD publisher.

But if you want more revenues, from book sales, than will pay for one meal, prepare to promote. Not that a traditional publisher will do all the promotion for your book; authors need to be involved in the promotion process, regardless of the type of publisher. But self publishing requires more of that than a new author may have imagined.


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